Most Senior, Sanctuary and Special Needs Residents are available for adoption, if you are interested please contact us today!
Not ready to adopt? Become a Senior Sponsor today!
Save a Senior Program
Most people look to adopt young dogs which make great long lasting companions, but have you considered adopting or sponsoring a mature adult or senior? Senior dogs have the highest likelihood of being surrendered and passed over in rescues and shelters, but they often make wonderful pets and enjoy years of fulfilling family life in their second homes. Seniors often make easier transitions into their new home environments since they have already had years of experience! Look at adopting a senior as adopting a dog that has had long term foster care and training. Many times you will end up with the “perfect dog” who is already housebroken and well mannered! More time relaxing and enjoying calm playtime, less household items and toys destroyed – sounds like a pretty good deal for a family with younger children or someone not looking for a high energy dog.
Some of the long term residents have special needs and require additional support beyond what is necessary for a standard adoption. If you are interested in adopting a Senior or Special Needs dog please contact us at
Pasture Buddies and Senior Horses
Many horses come to the end of their riding careers but still have many good years ahead of them as Pasture Buddies. The financial burden of owning a senior generally increases with time, though not all senior horses require a huge expense. We have several seniors available for adoption, some with additional medical expenses and some without. Adopting a Pasture Buddy can be a rewarding experience for you and your horses. Check out Nellie, Annie, and Buck under the “Horses” menu.
Senior Dogs

My name is Roo and I am a 10 year old Beagle. I am a sweet talkative boy (that’s where I get my name, after the sound I make!) who gets along well with people and other dogs. I am neutered and have had successful heartworm treatment. I am crate trained though need to be let out frequently for bathroom breaks and I am on a daily glucosamine supplement.
My name is Bino and I am a 11 year old neutered male beagle. I am crate trained and love to lounge on my pillows. I was left behind in the backyard when my family moved away. I was too smart to be trapped right away, but after careful consideration I decided it would be best to be rescued after all. I am now ready for my forever home. I am a laid back boy and I get along well with other dogs. I am on inexpensive Thyroid medication twice daily with meals and glucosamine supplements.
My name is Freddie, scroll down to view my bio under Special Needs.
My name is Scottie and I am a 9 year old neutered male Lab/Chow Mix. I was adopted and returned after one year because my adoptive family did not have time for me. I get along well with other dogs though I am a little shy with strangers. Spend ten minutes with me and I warm right up! I am looking for a forever home with a fenced yard.
My name is Hailey and I am a 13 year old spayed female Golden Retriever mix. I am a quiet older girl, I was surrendered due to the foreclosure of my family’s home. I am house broken and get along well with other dogs. I love the outdoors, my only bad habit is that I like to dig up the yard (it appears I am searching for a direct route to China). I am on glucosamine supplements to maintain proper joint health.
My name is Blaze and I was surrendered with by brother Little Guy when my family moved. We need to go to a home together. I am an 11 year old spayed female Lab mix and I am house broken and crate trained. I love people and I prefer not be around other dogs, besides my brother of course. I have had two benign fatty tumors removed and am now available for adoption. I am on glucosamine supplements for arthritis.
My name is Little Guy and I was surrendered with my sister Blaze when my family moved. We are looking for a home and must be placed together as we are very attached to each other. I am an 11 year old neutered male Lab mix. I am house broken and crate trained and I love people and get along well with other dogs. I do not like to spend time outside during cold temperatures (I like to be where it is warm and snuggly). I am on glucosamine supplements for beginning arthritis.
My name is Ella and I was a pregnant stray brought to a local shelter by Animal Control when I was found barking for help in a sewer drain. My six puppies were part of Dog4U, Inc.’s Interstate Transport Program and were adopted through the Buddy Dog Humane Society in Massachusetts. I am 9 years old and spayed. I am very sweet and I get along well with other dogs. I am a playful very people oriented dog. I will need a fenced yard because coming when called is not my strong suite (I like to run and chase butterflies which takes precedence over the “come” command).
My name is James and I am a 12 year old neutered male German Shepherd. I spent the first 9 years of my life chained to a tree watching the world go by. I was seized by Animal Control after my situation became increasingly abusive and was taken to a local shelter. I found a new lease on life when I came to Dog4U, Inc. I have now been socialized and have come to enjoy the company of most other dogs. I am heartworm positive and my veterinarian did not feel I would survive Immiticide treatment so I am on monthly preventative to keep my condition under control. I am on daily glucosamine supplements for joint mobility and I am on a low sodium diet for my heart and kidneys. Would you like to take me home or sponsor me today?
My name is Lilly and I am a 9 year old spayed female Lab mix. I was a pregnant stray living in the woods in a rural South Carolina community. My 9 puppies were part of Dog4U, Inc.’s Interstate transport Program and were placed through two no kill shelters in Massachusetts. I am a shy girl with petite mal seizures that are under control with medication. I am terrified of gun shots, fireworks and thunderstorms so I need a quiet place to hide when these things occur. I get along well with other dogs and I am fully house broken. I never get into any trouble and I am the perfect mature house dog.
My name is Bo and I am a 8 year old neutered male American Bull Dog mix. I get along well with other dogs and I am housebroken and crate trained. I was turned in to the local animal shelter as a stray before I made it to Dog4U. I have been successfully treated for heartworm disease and am now available for adoption.
My name is Dax and I am a 10 year old spayed female German Shepherd. I was going to be euthanized by a breeder because my conformation does not quite fit breed standards (my ears are a centimeter too far apart and my back is too straight, the second issue will likely save me from hip dysplasia). I am a very smart girl who gets along well with cats, some dogs, and most people. I can be protective of my family (volunteers) when put in a stressful situation. The worst behavior I exhibit is barking at some strangers and I am easily controlled. I know many obedience commands and have a “need to please you” attitude. I am on glucosamine supplements for my joints.
Special Needs
My name is Elsie and I am a spayed beagle mix. I have been with Dog4U, Inc. for quite some time because I am missing my right eye. I have a wonderful upbeat personality. I have never met a person or dog I did not like. I have high energy and love to give kisses liberally. I require eye drops twice daily and must be taken out frequently for bathroom breaks.
My name is Princess and I am a 4 year old spayed female bull dog mix. I am am deaf, but that doesn’t stop me from frolicking and playing. I love the company of other dogs, I am not too high energy and I am an overall sweet girl. I am house broken and crate trained but I must be let out frequently for bathroom breaks due to a neurological condition that minimally affect the coordination in my hind legs. Since I am deaf I can be shy at first, but when you get to know me you will fall in love with my quiet but playful attitude. I am not on any special medications but I will need a home with a fully fenced yard and someone who doesn’t mind getting up early to let me out. Please sponsor or adopt me today.
My name is Freddie and I am a 10 year old Pit Bull mix and I have been with Dog4U, Inc. for 4 years. I am a Senior Sanctuary Resident at Dog4U, Inc. for several reasons. I am partly blind because I was used as a “bait dog” for pit bull fighting before I was rescued and they had my canines removed so I couldn’t fight back. My background doesn’t show in my unflappable love for people, though I do not get along with other dogs. My tear ducts no longer produce tears so I require antibiotic lubricating eye drops twice daily. On the bright side, I am very playful (I LOOOOVE my Kong toy!) and I am completely safe with the volunteers involved with my care. I would love to have a forever home with a fully fenced yard and no other pets. You would never know what I have been through considering my affectionate nature. Would you sponsor me today?