“Tessie-girl, as we affectionately call her, is doing wonderfully! She’s gained about 6-7 pounds and seems to have grown even taller than she already was. She has taken over the couch in our living room for her daytime bed, and sleeps in the bed or trades places with our male golden, Ollie, in his dog bed for the night. She’s better than both our Goldens with “come,” and merely a whistle brings her full speed back to us. She runs off leash for our morning walks in the woods, and has even experimented with dipping her toes in the stream where we stop to cool off. The Goldens lay down in the water but she just daintily sips a little and cools her paws. She’s still unsure of strangers, but wags her tail for a few who come by and will creep closer to investigate. She’s the biggest love, is always cuddling, and runs to the cupboard when she hears the rustle of the biscuits. We just adore her, and so do our other two. Some pictures are attached so you can see how she’s doing. She even looks more confident and relaxed now (and she seems to have a fondness for carrying shoes around the house!).
Thanks for sending her to us,” – Eve